The Trials and Tribulations of Max E Pad

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


ALRIGHTTT!!!!! I am no longer a diary writter, but an official cyberspace blogger! Now I am patiently awaiting my official blogger decoder ring.....

So the first time is always the hardest and I guess it gets easier with time. My, my the pressure, or as Jeanne calls it "blessure", of writing in this thing (how incredibly clever my dear...almost as witty as.....oh shit, hate putting myself on the spot like that). Well, anyway, I guess this posting is just an introduction to my OFFICIAL BLOG!!!!

Hi, my name is Howard and I am a blogger.

Now... if I can just sleep with someone important to write about it............


  • An official shout out in Mr. Fabulous' blog? Now I HAVE something important to write about. Finally, I can stop making stuff up about this "life" I lead as a "consultant." Keep writing so I can keep reading!!

    By Blogger Jeanne, at 8:59 AM, August 11, 2005  

  • OOhhhh....Mrs. H....what will I ever do without you?!? I will keep writing just for the thought of keeping your well traveled ass entertained whether you're reading it in Minneapolis or Hotlanta...

    By Blogger Max E Pad, at 9:18 AM, August 11, 2005  

  • Well-traveled ass, or, well traveled-ass?

    By Blogger Jeanne, at 4:51 PM, August 11, 2005  

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