The Trials and Tribulations of Max E Pad

Thursday, August 11, 2005


You have no idea how many times I have erased this entry and restarted it. It's intimidating and I have no idea why I'm so afraid of the big bad blog!!! Words flew threw me when I was writing on my EasyJournal site, however, with this site, I feel a severe sense of writer's block.....odd. I dont' know what it is. Is it because I feel the need to say something insightful and witty? But then I thought to myself, no, I'm always insightful and extremely witty (and hot), so that can't be it. Then what is it?

Then I started to think, aahhhh....maybe it's the psychological impact of an article I read not too long ago regarding blogging. The article, I think it was in the New York Times, featured a story of five people getting fired from their respectful jobs due to blogging all because they had mentioned their jobs or spilled dirt on their companies. Well, knowing me, I have a huge mouth and I tend to say (or write, in this case) without processing the information thoroughly through my cranium prior to blurting something like "that shirt not only makes you look fat, but makes you look like you have severe down syndrome and a homo"...something to that affect. As you can see why I would be hesitant to start writing. But after some thought processing (yes, something I do not do too often), I realize that if I shy away from company secrets and talking trash about the government, maybe, just maybe, I will be able to keep my job and not have the Secret Service knock on my door at 3 in the morning pointing guns and waving handcuffs in front of my face (though I must admit, it's a bit of a turnon...tingling sensation in my naughty bits right now...).

You know what? My therapist was right, talking about it (or announcing it to the world) does make things easier and I think I've just overcame my fear of blogging.

So my name is Howard and you have just read my first formal blog piece. Stayed tuned, more random thoughts are sure to follow.


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