Fuck-Sanghee Road Trip

So why "Fuck-Sanghee" you say? Well, let me begin by telling you the events leading up to her wedding.
Sanghee's wedding was on Sunday (who has ever heard of a wedding on a Sunday?) at 6:30pm (yes, 6:30 PM, the day before a work day), so Soko and I decided to leave DC around 1:00pm and with a "normal" trip being 4 1/2 hours, give or take, we figured we had plenty of time, so we embarked on our journey.

Once in NY, we were immediately lost. Fuck Sanghee. We couldn't find a bridge. Yes, a bridge. I can understand not being able to find a road because many roads look alike, but a bridge? How many bridges can there be in one state? Large bridges? No, thanks to the wonders and the impeccable accuracy of MapQuest, we were unable to find the Throgs Neck Bridge connecting dirty Jersey, aka arm pit of America, to NY. By the way, now would be a good time to tell those readers who have never been in or near Jersey what we had to endure. The state smells of....well, crap and we were on the damn NJ Turnpike for 121, yes, 121 miles breathing in toxic fumes and smoke. Fuck Sanghee. Not to mention we were unable to find a decent station for the entirity of Delaware (by the way, Soko thought Delaware was a city in Pennsylvania) to New Jersey, if it's not static, then it's crappy 70s or listening to an old black man chanting excitedly about Jesus and the power of prayers. As much as I am for praying, driving and listening to the Christian Broadcast Network, radio version of the 700 Club, equals Road Rage. So needless to say, we had nothing to take our minds off the toxic, fart-esque smell emtombing the both of us. Fuck Sanghee.
So anyhoo....onward with the trip..... where was I, oh yes, the Throgs Neck Bridge; couldn't find it. At this point, we are tired, sleepy, grumpy and a bit high, yes, not going to lie, we were a bit high from huffing the toxic fumes of NJ, and all we want to do is get off this stupid, long ass Turnpike. FUck Sanghee. Besides, at this point, we only had 45 minutes to get to the wedding AND change into our outfits. With some help of calling people, and piecing together of our knowledge of NY, we were able to take the Triboro Bridge and leave NJ, Hoorray! Still, Fuck Sanghee. I figured, once we get onto the Triboro Bridge, we're home safe because then we can take Cross Island Parkway to 495 E, Long Island Expressway and get off in Great Neck, where the wedding was. Boy, was I wrong!
The Lond Island Expressway is not that easy to find and NY signs are HORRIBLE, especially in the rain. I was overconfident because I thought, hey, I'm from Long Island so I know my way around. Haha, no. I realize that there are ghettos and slums and projects and poor people on Long Island that I have never seen in all of the 18 years of living there. I was confused and, not gonna lie, I peed myself a little bit.
Finally, with some luck and ingenuity, we were able to find our way into Great Neck once there, I was home. We finally found the place, parked, and were on our way to the wedding. Two packs of cigarettes and 9 hours later, we arrived; the wedding started 3 hours ago. Fuck Sanghee? Yes, Fuck Sanghee, hard.
The wedding was held at Leonard's in Great Neck. Those who did not grow up in the neighborhood should know that Leonard's is one of those places that can only host Senior Proms, Weddings and, perhaps, a fancy funeral. Everything about the place is quite cheesy, but it was nice, and I could definitely see why foreigners would be attracted to such a place. I, personally, would not have chosen to have my wedding there, but then again, I can't get married, legally. Fuck Sanghee.

Now, let's talk about Sanghee's wedding dress. Oh, my goodness!!!! It was one of the most beautiful dresses I have ever seen in all of the weddings I have been to. It was just simple and elegant and with no words to properly describe the beauty that is her dress. I will get a picture from Soko's camera and post is on here when I get a chance. It's just so beautiful.
Soko asked me at the start of dinner if it was worth driving 9 hours for and I said, "Fuck Sanghee, hell no it wasn't. Nothing's worth driving 9 hours for, nothing", but I was wrong. As I'm writing this blog and recounting the experience that I had in the car, at the wedding and seeing my friends afterwards, I realize that this is one of the most memorable weddings and experiences ever. Soko and I bonded, we were able to give Sanghee such joy, and we had so much fun at the wedding dancing and eating and stuff. Through all the Fuck Sanghee's, we came out loving and enjoying every moment of it. This experience brought Soko and I up onto another level of friendship and gave us a much needed bonding moment!
New York is where friends are made, prejudices are lost and a place where everyone has a grand old time! Fuck Sanghee! n_n"
What a crazy trip and happy ending *not that kind*. A tear to my eye. VERY sweet story.. I hope Paramount picutres pics it up, and you are played by Colin farrel and soko by Uma thurman. I don't know what Sanghee looks like, but her dress can be played by Vera Wang.
Jeanne, at 12:38 PM, August 16, 2005
But it was a happy ending, indeed....
Sanghee can be played by Margaret Cho, Fuck Sanghee :)
Oh, and you can be played by...Lucy Liu. I don't know how you fit into the story, but being my only reader, you automatically get a spot in my Hallmark movie!
Max E Pad, at 1:43 PM, August 16, 2005
Cool page, nice pics, pretty girls :P
High Power Rocketry, at 12:02 AM, August 17, 2005
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