The Trials and Tribulations of Max E Pad

Thursday, September 28, 2006


I'm feeling a bit unwitty and unoriginal these days thus the reason behind why I have not posted anything new. And today is not to be an exception. But to keep my avid reader(s) entertain, I will, however, include this link to an amazing process of aluminum foil making. It is quite fascinating.

Enjoy while I get my wit back.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Crapulence is a word? What?

It means sick from gross excess in drinking or eating.

Now I have heard everything!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Riedel Amadeo Lyra Decanter

So I stumbled across this BEAUTIFUL decanter and I decided this piece must be shared amongst decanter-enthusiasts throughout. But with a hefty price-tag of $250, this shit better do more than air your wine; it better fuckin' be Jesus and turn regular tap water into a bottle of Château Branne-Mouton Bordeaux circa 1784....

Friday, September 15, 2006

Product Review - Nike+ iPod Sports Kits

In recent months, Nike collaborated with Apple and unveiled an entire line of iPod nano-compatible running gear called the Nike+. The entire line is aimed to integrate listening to music and running seamlessly.

The Nike+ Sports kit ($29 at or comes with a sensor that goes in your shoes and a transmitter that connects to your iPod Nano. The sensor transmits information such as distance, time, and calories burned directly to your iPod Nano and ultimately syncs effortlessly to your iTunes application and then automatically sends that information to where you can track your progress online to see your runs, set goals, and challenge friends.

So giving into temptation, I bought it to help me train for my annual Rockville 10K and it has worked great. It is rather a novel invention. Not only can you listen to your tunes, but at specific intervals, a voice of your choice (male or female) will alert you of your progress so you will always be able to stay on top of your goals. The sensor and the transmitter are both the size of a quarter which makes carrying around hassle-free. Ideally, Nike wants you to put the sensor in their Nike+ specific shoes where there is a slot built-in for optimal performance and accuracy. However, not knowing if I will completely enjoy the line or not, I opted against purchasing shoes that I may not wear again. And Nike is not known to make comfortable running shoes so I decided to keep training with my New Balance and the results, I think, is comparable, if not 100% accurate.

So you slip the sensor towards the center bottom of one your shoes, connect the transmitter to you iPod Nano (the same slot you plug your USB cord into), and you're good to go. Pretty much everything is voice-guided so it makes getting use-to a breeze. Not a lot of calibrating is needed, but for more accurate recording, you might consider it; again, I decided to go "au natural".

To start my training, I set my workout to be based on time (you have a choice of doing your training based on Basic, Time, Distance or Calories Burned) and I set it to 20 minutes. After choosing my playlist to run to, a voice comes on alerting me the start of the run. At every 5 minute-interval, the voice will come back on alerting me how long I have gone and how much time is left to the end of my workout without pausing my music. And at the end of the workout, after pressing to end workout, your total progress (time, distance, calories burned, approx. time per mile) will be spoken to you and if a personal best is beat, provided that there are previous workouts to compare to, Lance Armstrong will congratulate you! Isn't that neat?

Once my workout was completed, I excitedly took my nano and plugged it into my computer to sync the information to my iTunes. This is the tricky and somewhat hard part. To prevent runners from cheating on their personal workouts, goals or challenges, Nike designed the synchronization to be a one-shot deal, meaning if you are unsuccessful in syncing it the first time, the information, though will be stored in your iPod and your iTunes, will not be sent to Oh, and you have to sync your iPod within 24 hours or else the data, again, will not be sent to I was very frustrated at first, but being on the phone with Nike's technician, I can understand the logic behind it.

All in all, I am very happy and impressed with this piece of invention; I think I am on my way of running the 10K in less that 50 minutes this year (fingers crossed) and with the help of the Nike+ iPod Sports Kit, I am well on my way.

If you are an avid runner, or just someone trying to improve your physique, give this little gadget a try. If you don't like it, at $29, it is not likely to break your piggy-bank.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

DC Circulator

This post probably does not apply to anyone not living (or working) in the immediate DC Metropolitan Golden Triangle area. However, if you do plan on visiting DC in the future, then it's something useful to keep in mind.

I can't stress how much I love the DC Circulator. It is, basically, a bus. But not one of those nasty, homeless, poor people Metro-Transit buses... oh HELLLLLL NO; on the contrary, it's a very nice, pretty bus that takes me from my work to Georgetown shopping area in less than 10 minutes. Before the invention of the DC Circulator, I couldn't get to Georgetown unless I took a cab for $15 or take the metro and then walk about a mile. The DC Circulator does not just serves as my personal shopping chauffer, no; It's many lines offer tourists and residents a variety of places to visit that are otherwise out of the way, even for regular buses and the metro. Oh, not to mention, it's only $1.

So next time you are in town, check this out: The DC Circulator. It's worth it!

Monday, September 11, 2006

The Spirit of New York and the American people...

Shall Prevail.

In recently weeks, I have been rudely accosted with images, sound bytes and video clips of that one faithful day in American history when many dreams shattered, families torn apart and Patriotism restored - and the day that all of us have etched in our hearts forever is September 11th, 2001.

I was growing increasingly frustrated and upset by these constant reminders of this unfortunate event and working at the Associated Press makes escaping these imagery a task close to impossible to achieve. "After 5 years, we're still dwindling on this bullshit," I thought to myself. Insensitive? Yes, to say the least; I was numb. I became almost indifferent because no matter where I turned, haunting images were everywhere.

But on the day of the anniversary, my heart re-opened. I realize that I was trying to forget what had happened to my beloved city, my home. I was trying to wish that it had never happened and if there are no reminders of the event, then, perhaps, I can close my eyes and say to myself, "It was only a dream." But on this day, I realize that these images were not rude relics of so many lives lost, but symbol of hope and faith. Like a Phoenix born from the ashes of destruction, so are the spirits of the American people. We are more united than we have ever been since WWII, and we have not been stronger, individually and collectively. We believe in the American ways, and each and everyone of us alive on this day celebrates Democracy with ever burning fervor. From that one faithful day, we learned that we are blessed.

To all those who lost someone, our hearts and prayers go out to you and your families. God Bless all of us.