Score for the Gays

Guess where that finger has been?
From the Washington Express (Washington Post) this morning:
Evangelical Leader Resigns Over Gay Sex Allegations
Colorado Springs, CO.
The leader of the influential National Association of Evangelicals, a vocal opponent of the drive fro same-sez marriage, resigned Thursday after being accused of paying for sex with a man. The Rev. Ted Haggard also stepped aside as head of his 12,000-member New Life Church while a church panel investigates. The investigation came after a 49-year-old man told a Denver radio station that Haggard paid him to have sex. (AP)
Ohhhh, you know what they say? Homophobia stems from latent homosexual tendencies.
For more reading on this juicy, juicy victory, head to the New York Times at:
And for an example of this gay ass on television, head to:
This one's good; you don't want to miss the transcript of his trifling voicemails:
And another entry by CNN:
Homo say what? Nothing? Oh yeah, that's right, you got busted! And not in the good, euphoric, white knuckle, heavy-breathing kind of way.
I could have swore I left a comment the last time I read this post, however eons ago that was, since it hasn't yet been updated. Did you delete it?
anyway, SCORE. Gays: 2, Straights: 1,302,203,697,302,345o34u5093u405.
(Why is the gay score 2? One for this guy, and one for having howard)
Jeanne, at 9:28 AM, November 10, 2006
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