Gay Marriage

Time stamp - 9:30am and I am already bitter and angry, why? Because gays cannot be legally wed. The more I think about this issue, the angrier I get because, simply put, it is just not fair.
I started out not really caring about the same-sex marriage issue because to me, growing up in a tumultuous family, marriage is nothing more than a business transaction. I have always thought if the love is there, why get married? But now I sing a different tune and march to a different beat. I believe in marriage, any marriage, straight, bi, gay, whatever, I believe in it and I want to take the next step to the next level, but I can't. And why? Because gays can't get married officially.

Jonathan and I have been together for a little over three and a half years and we were engaged this past January. After ten months of being engaged, I want to be married. Technically, we could get married, but that is all in our heads; only we will be able to acknowlegde the legitimacy of the marriage, nobody else....

I'm just frustrated and I'm angry. Everywhere I turn, every fuckin' hickass Tom, redneck Dick, and prostitute Sally are getting married; everyone, but us. It is just upsetting.
I guess all we can do is wait, which is, sometimes, a terrible thing.
I cannot explain how upsetting it is to me - and I'm not even gay. There is no excuse, no justification - it's absolutely ludicrous. In 50 years when children are reading about gay rights of our day, they will wonder how the hell people were not up in arms. Just like how we think about the racial inequalities of the 1950's. I'm sorry Howie.. you and Jonathan and all gays deserve the right to gay marriage and there's nothing that justifies the current state.
Jeanne, at 10:56 AM, October 05, 2006
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