Blind...Decorating for the seeing?
Okay, what?! So as I'm channel surfing one Sunday afternoon, I came across what seemed like an interesting design show (come on, what gay guy doesn't secretly love interior design shows on TLC?). But the more I got into the show, the more I was perplexed by the sunglasses-wearing man being led by his seeing-eye assistant pointing to this and that and feeling all around, and then it dawned on me - the entire premise of the show is about interior design by a visually challenged person. Okay, hold up.
While I respect blind people and believe that all handicaps deserve equal treatment, there are several professions that I do not believe they should be in for safety (or asthetics reasons) and grouped in a list with cab-driver, hydrolics-crane operator and neurosurgeon, is interior designer.
This whole concept is EXTREMELY foreign and strange to me. Who would trust a blind man to design their house? I mean, would you trust an armless man to carry your grocery or a paraplegic to teach you how to ride a bike? Parallel to the concept of "never trust a skinny chef", I would never trust a blind designer. If beauty is in the EYE of the beholder, and the bitch is blind......... 'nough said.
Come on TLC, I trusted you to bring me interesting shows such as Trading Spaces, and What Not To Wear, but this gimmicky crap? That is just degrading for blind people everywhere. And when I heard the blind "designer" say, "I feel a strong presence for yellow here," ooooo, I wanted to yell, "Motherfucker, I trust Ms. Cleo more with that bullshit than your lying ass; at least she's got ESP AND a set of fully functional eyes!"

This whole concept is EXTREMELY foreign and strange to me. Who would trust a blind man to design their house? I mean, would you trust an armless man to carry your grocery or a paraplegic to teach you how to ride a bike? Parallel to the concept of "never trust a skinny chef", I would never trust a blind designer. If beauty is in the EYE of the beholder, and the bitch is blind......... 'nough said.
Come on TLC, I trusted you to bring me interesting shows such as Trading Spaces, and What Not To Wear, but this gimmicky crap? That is just degrading for blind people everywhere. And when I heard the blind "designer" say, "I feel a strong presence for yellow here," ooooo, I wanted to yell, "Motherfucker, I trust Ms. Cleo more with that bullshit than your lying ass; at least she's got ESP AND a set of fully functional eyes!"
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