The Trials and Tribulations of Max E Pad

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Okay, everyone relax, crisis averted.....

It was, indeed, the scale and not my extra love handle pushing me to 183. I am actually 174. I'm no longer obese, just slightly chunky!

Yay for me!

I swear, I'm not a drama queen!

PS - though I am no longer obese, I'm afraid I can't say the same for the giant penis still haunting our gym......


  • Howard,
    We all know that you could never be obese. You will always be fabolous and the farthest thing away from "chunky". Now quit this nonsense talk and start talking about important things like the latest episode of "So You think you can dance?", or how Jennifer Aniston moved on from Brad Pitt only to start getting cozy with Vince Vaughn. I mean really...But then again, Vince does have a great sense of humor.....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:27 PM, September 01, 2005  

  • Oh my god! Can we PLEASE talk about "So you Think You can Dance"? I fuckin' LOVE LOVE LOVE that show. Jonathan and I are obsessed!!!! I hate Blake, aka the gayest thing to walk on two legs, but he is a PHENOMENAL dancer! It is THAT serious! I think he's going to win. However, I find it a bit unfair, the fact that he is a semi-professional dancer and is used to these types of rigorous trainings and routines so I think he has an unfair advantage over the other contestants.

    Now, let's talk about ARTEM!!! FUCKIN' LOVE HIM though his ass sweats too much, it's actually kinda gross. Watch all the practice tapes and you'll see that he sweats nowhere but his ass and right around his ass crack too! Holy's just gross and....unnatural. But anyhoo, those are my two cents for "So You Think You Can Dance." I love you Shanty!

    By Blogger Max E Pad, at 2:00 PM, September 01, 2005  

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    By Blogger Jeanne, at 6:05 PM, September 05, 2005  

  • I have to invest in TIVO. I have been wanting to see So You Think You Can Dance? for a while now, and clearly, I've missed the Cool-Train (ha, get it? Soul Tra...nevermind). Since I've been missing out on this spectacular show, maybe you and Shanty could reinact it? Please make sure to keep plenty of kleenex around for those potentially sweaty cracks.

    Wait what was your original post about? I got carried away.

    By Blogger Jeanne, at 6:07 PM, September 05, 2005  

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