The Trials and Tribulations of Max E Pad

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

What the hell........

I don't know what is the matter with me lately, but I am suffering from writers' block...again. Sad, but true; my wittiness is just not coming full force like they used to.

As a matter of fact, all I have been doing is re-reading my past posts and I have to apologize at this point. What was I thinking? In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, did I grow a heart? I mean, look at the last two posts? Human kindness? Donating? The power of Christ compells me, evil be gone! I became Mr. Hallmark. God, definitely can't let people see my soft side...what is the matter with me? Oy....

But, these past two weeks have just been hell and crazy all molded into one. Perhaps next week I will feel less charitable and more myself....

Until then, expect more mushiness.... :)


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