What an amazing weekend part I - Friday
I may not know, or care, about the meaning of Labor Day, but I sure can appreciate a day off thanks to all the Blue-collared workers in this country making this day possible. I really don't know if Labor Day was made into a National Holiday because of all the blue-collared workers in this country, but that's what I think of when I hear the word "labor" used not in the context of a pregnant woman; labor, blue collar; yellow, asians...fair enough.

Whatever the meaning behind Labor Day is, I know I had a blast this year! It was absolutely amazing and definitely one of the BEST Labor Days to date. Why, you ask? Well, it all started with my crazy In-Laws' visit to DC (Jonathan's eldest brother, Eric and his wife Sara). God I love them; what fun people. I will not go into the details of their trip as certain things are better left not mentioned in a public forum such as this one, but one word can describe it all, debauchery. Yes, a weekend of debauchery and I suppose that's what you get when you mix alcohol with a whole of craziness...
They arrived on Friday. Every Friday before a major holiday, we have early dismissal (3pm) from work; yes, it's wonderful. One of my really good friends that I have not seen for 5 years from HS came to visit and we went out for drinks. She was suppose to be there by 3pm, however, did not arrive unti 5:20/5:30 so between the hours of 2:45 and 5:30, I was sitting by myself at the bar throwing it back like it's nobody's business. Needless to say, I was a bit buzzed by the time Anita (my friend) arrived. We chatted and had a blast. Around 6:00pm, I looked at my watch and screamed. Eric and Sara were due to arrive at the airport at 6:30pm, and I was still 30 minutes away from the airport. I ran to the bathroom, broke the seal and raced towards the airport. It's now 6:15pm by the time I left Kolumbia (the bar).
Just my luck would have it, Eric and Sara's plane arrived 10 minutes early. So instead of being 10 minutes late, to them, because of their early arrival, I am now seemingly 20 minutes late; that's just wonderful. Good thing the metro driver went at a decent speed and I made it before they started throwing hissy fits.
That night, we went to the Sake Club in Adams Morgan for dinner and let me tell you, it was just pure heaven. The food was phenomenal! Oh, so good! Words cannot describe the epicurean repast that was our dinner. I cannot possibly say more as words can only cloud the perfection of the food. One of those places that you'll just have to try for yourself.
After dinner, we met Jonathan back at home as he had to work late that night. We had wine and Sara experienced my baking skills firsthanded with her birthday cake. Apparently Betty Crocker and I are an excellent team - I put into action what she can only write on paper - the cake was just delicious. Upon finishing up a bottle of wine and excellent conversations, we went to bed anticipating the next day, a day of shopping at Georgetown and a night of debauchery in Adams Morgan. Stay tuned....

Whatever the meaning behind Labor Day is, I know I had a blast this year! It was absolutely amazing and definitely one of the BEST Labor Days to date. Why, you ask? Well, it all started with my crazy In-Laws' visit to DC (Jonathan's eldest brother, Eric and his wife Sara). God I love them; what fun people. I will not go into the details of their trip as certain things are better left not mentioned in a public forum such as this one, but one word can describe it all, debauchery. Yes, a weekend of debauchery and I suppose that's what you get when you mix alcohol with a whole of craziness...
They arrived on Friday. Every Friday before a major holiday, we have early dismissal (3pm) from work; yes, it's wonderful. One of my really good friends that I have not seen for 5 years from HS came to visit and we went out for drinks. She was suppose to be there by 3pm, however, did not arrive unti 5:20/5:30 so between the hours of 2:45 and 5:30, I was sitting by myself at the bar throwing it back like it's nobody's business. Needless to say, I was a bit buzzed by the time Anita (my friend) arrived. We chatted and had a blast. Around 6:00pm, I looked at my watch and screamed. Eric and Sara were due to arrive at the airport at 6:30pm, and I was still 30 minutes away from the airport. I ran to the bathroom, broke the seal and raced towards the airport. It's now 6:15pm by the time I left Kolumbia (the bar).
Just my luck would have it, Eric and Sara's plane arrived 10 minutes early. So instead of being 10 minutes late, to them, because of their early arrival, I am now seemingly 20 minutes late; that's just wonderful. Good thing the metro driver went at a decent speed and I made it before they started throwing hissy fits.
That night, we went to the Sake Club in Adams Morgan for dinner and let me tell you, it was just pure heaven. The food was phenomenal! Oh, so good! Words cannot describe the epicurean repast that was our dinner. I cannot possibly say more as words can only cloud the perfection of the food. One of those places that you'll just have to try for yourself.

HWA? THAT's THE END? What am I going to do?? I can't go to sleep tonight with this cliffhanger. Why are you doing this to me?
I will just have to read this entry over and over and over and over...
Jeanne, at 3:27 PM, September 07, 2005
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