The Trials and Tribulations of Max E Pad

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Damn Allergies.....

So this weekend is my 10K race in Rockville; it's going to be my first race that I have been training for for about two months now. I'm super psyched about it until I woke up a couple of days ago. Fall Allergy Season is upon us and I can't breathe. Not being able to breathe can prove to be a problem when it comes to running a race; I could be wrong.

I can't believe this. My chest is heavy, my breathng is labored and Claritin makes me drowsy, these are the ingredients to a very messy race...but hey, at least if I collapse, Jonathan will be there to catch me at 8 in the morning, at least one can hope.

Well, not much for today. Too much shit is going on in my head and in my life to put it all down on paper - I have to sort it all out first before I can start....


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