Illegal Immigrants....
Oy vey is all I have to say.....
Yesterday was the mass ralleying here in our nation's capital, Washington, DC. If I couldn't recognize myself as a Republican because of my wealthfare and tax beliefs before, than my feelings on this whole illegal immigrant issues have definitely casted my membership in stone.
I don't believe illegal immigrants should be here. There, I've said it. I DO NOT BELIEVE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS SHOULD BE HERE OR MADE LEGAL. This is absolutely perposterous.
Here is an excerpt from the New York Times this morning:
"Ruben Arita, a 30-year-old illegal immigrant from Honduras who joined the demonstration in Washington, said he was marching for the first time because he wanted to push Congress to grant citizenship to people living here illegally and to recognize their struggles and their humanity.
'We want to be legal,' said Mr. Arita, a construction worker who has lived here for five years. 'We want to live without hiding, without fear. We have to speak so that our voices are listened to and we are taken into account.'"
I'm sorry, but he, Ruben Arita, should have thought about that before he entered the US illegally. For him to live in "hiding and in fear" was a choice he consciously made. No one forced him to come to the United States. It must have cost him dearly to hire a "coyote" to sneak him across US borders, which could have gone to applying for a visa or legal entry into the US.
Why am I against illegal immigrants? Here are several reasons:
1. They are a drain on our economy (I'll explain later).
2. They take jobs from legal aliens and immigrants.
3. They do not pay taxes.
So let's look at number 1 and 3. Two is pretty self-explanatory.
3 is a little easier to explain, so we shall start there. Okay. They do not pay taxes because they can't hold legal positions. Why is that a bad thing? Well, because in the event that they go to jail, who pays for their meals and clothings and space of confinement and the guards? That's right, we do. Our honest, tax dollars do. If they have kids, which they always end up having more than one, and they enroll in public schools, who's supporting the text books and the chairs and the desks and the teachers? Yes, that's right, you've guessed it, we do - the hoest, working, tax payers.
Many people would say that these illegal aliens do jobs that we, as citizens or legal immigrants, do not want to do and I think that is complete bullshit. There will never be a shortage of blue collar workers; there's at least one in every family (Lord knows we have one in the Silberman family). So let's do the math. If there are close to 300 million people in America and let's say the average family size is about4 people per family, that means, in America, out of the legal immigrants, we have roughly around 75 million blue collar workers. But the current problem is out of these 75 million blue collar workers, close to half of them can't find a decently waged position because the illegal immigrants are willing to take jobs for less the minimum wage thus making their employment more desirable. And we all know that minimum wage set the bar for standard of living and if the minimum wage requirement cannot be fullfilled, the standard of living will drop.
Another thing, which brings us back to my reason number 1, is that one of the most common practices amongst these illegal immigrants is that they tend to send cash back to their home country to be spent by their family members in their own market, not in the US. So, here lies another problem. If every month, each immigrant sends $100 dollar out of this country, and at the last estimate, there are about 11 million illegal immigrants, that is a total of $1.1 billion dollars every month, and that's about $13.2 billion dollars a year leaving the US market. Every economist, or anyone who has ever taken microeconomics in college, can tell you that money leaving the US hurts the dollar value. For every dollar that leaves the US market and enters the world market, it decreases the demand and increases the supply of the dollar in the world market and based on the universal law of Supply and Demand, this significantly weakens the dollar's exchange rate. So with roughly $13.2 billion dollars leaving the country per year, what do you think it's going to do to our economy? And by making these illegal immigrants legal in this country, do you think that practice will stop? I don't believe so.
I do not believe in doing things the easy way, or the cut-corner way. Many families have gotten into the United States through the proper, LEGAL channel (My family included), so why can't they?
Yesterday was the mass ralleying here in our nation's capital, Washington, DC. If I couldn't recognize myself as a Republican because of my wealthfare and tax beliefs before, than my feelings on this whole illegal immigrant issues have definitely casted my membership in stone.
I don't believe illegal immigrants should be here. There, I've said it. I DO NOT BELIEVE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS SHOULD BE HERE OR MADE LEGAL. This is absolutely perposterous.
Here is an excerpt from the New York Times this morning:
"Ruben Arita, a 30-year-old illegal immigrant from Honduras who joined the demonstration in Washington, said he was marching for the first time because he wanted to push Congress to grant citizenship to people living here illegally and to recognize their struggles and their humanity.
'We want to be legal,' said Mr. Arita, a construction worker who has lived here for five years. 'We want to live without hiding, without fear. We have to speak so that our voices are listened to and we are taken into account.'"
I'm sorry, but he, Ruben Arita, should have thought about that before he entered the US illegally. For him to live in "hiding and in fear" was a choice he consciously made. No one forced him to come to the United States. It must have cost him dearly to hire a "coyote" to sneak him across US borders, which could have gone to applying for a visa or legal entry into the US.
Why am I against illegal immigrants? Here are several reasons:
1. They are a drain on our economy (I'll explain later).
2. They take jobs from legal aliens and immigrants.
3. They do not pay taxes.
So let's look at number 1 and 3. Two is pretty self-explanatory.
3 is a little easier to explain, so we shall start there. Okay. They do not pay taxes because they can't hold legal positions. Why is that a bad thing? Well, because in the event that they go to jail, who pays for their meals and clothings and space of confinement and the guards? That's right, we do. Our honest, tax dollars do. If they have kids, which they always end up having more than one, and they enroll in public schools, who's supporting the text books and the chairs and the desks and the teachers? Yes, that's right, you've guessed it, we do - the hoest, working, tax payers.
Many people would say that these illegal aliens do jobs that we, as citizens or legal immigrants, do not want to do and I think that is complete bullshit. There will never be a shortage of blue collar workers; there's at least one in every family (Lord knows we have one in the Silberman family). So let's do the math. If there are close to 300 million people in America and let's say the average family size is about4 people per family, that means, in America, out of the legal immigrants, we have roughly around 75 million blue collar workers. But the current problem is out of these 75 million blue collar workers, close to half of them can't find a decently waged position because the illegal immigrants are willing to take jobs for less the minimum wage thus making their employment more desirable. And we all know that minimum wage set the bar for standard of living and if the minimum wage requirement cannot be fullfilled, the standard of living will drop.
Another thing, which brings us back to my reason number 1, is that one of the most common practices amongst these illegal immigrants is that they tend to send cash back to their home country to be spent by their family members in their own market, not in the US. So, here lies another problem. If every month, each immigrant sends $100 dollar out of this country, and at the last estimate, there are about 11 million illegal immigrants, that is a total of $1.1 billion dollars every month, and that's about $13.2 billion dollars a year leaving the US market. Every economist, or anyone who has ever taken microeconomics in college, can tell you that money leaving the US hurts the dollar value. For every dollar that leaves the US market and enters the world market, it decreases the demand and increases the supply of the dollar in the world market and based on the universal law of Supply and Demand, this significantly weakens the dollar's exchange rate. So with roughly $13.2 billion dollars leaving the country per year, what do you think it's going to do to our economy? And by making these illegal immigrants legal in this country, do you think that practice will stop? I don't believe so.
I do not believe in doing things the easy way, or the cut-corner way. Many families have gotten into the United States through the proper, LEGAL channel (My family included), so why can't they?
Howard, I am surprised how red you are!
I don't hold a strong enough opinion on the subject to write a refutary response on my blog - but, I propose a few questions:
1) If illegal immigrants are arrested, do they get put in jails where taxpayers have to shelter them, or do they get exported back to their home countries?
2) There are enough US citizens/legal aliens to do the blue collar work that illegal aliens do, but I retort that it doesn't mean they'll do it. Because we have a nice little system that supports people in need, many of these eligible workers sit on their arses and receive monies from the government. So, they wouldn't work the jobs that illegal immigrants are because they can afford not to.
3)While I disagree that illegal immigrants should be granted immediate citizenship (afterall, why migrate legally then?), I don't know what should be done with them. They don't contribute to our system, but neither do they receive the benefits (i.e., no drivers license, health care, welfare).
And my indecisiveness on the subject is exactly why I am not a politician.
Jeanne, at 6:35 PM, April 11, 2006
Good grief - point 2, I meant "illegal immigrants" not alients. Point 3, I meant "immigrate" not "migrate". This is the problem of posting at work - rushed responses.
Jeanne, at 6:37 PM, April 11, 2006
In response to Ms. J-Moleskine,
1. I do believe illegal immigrants are first confined at American jail unless it is requested that they be represented by their consulate. But then again, I could be wrong...but when am I ever wrong? Really.
2. I am also extremely red when it comes to the matter of welfare so we should probably just drop it.
3. And I know for a fact that illegal immigrants are able to obtain a driver's license, health care and perhaps even welfare. The boyfriend of an ex-coworker of mine was able to obtain a driver's license by providing a fake social security number. And accoridng to my co-worker, there is a black market for fake social security numbers, which I dont know why I'm shocked since there's a black market for everything, from babies to kidneys.....
I also do not know what to do with these illegal immigrants, but a logical solution, to me, is to go ahead and deport them.....
Max E Pad, at 7:31 PM, April 11, 2006
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