Now that I have wet your appetite for gossip and juice from this trip, I will finally divulge the rest of the weekend, or just Saturday night, one of the best nights ever!
Saturday day Eric woke me up for a little run. Mind you, the day before I had been drinking since 3:00pm at Kolumbia where I had 2 sour apple martinis, a beer and 2 giant glasses of Merlot. Once we got to the restaurant, a bottle champagne, and a half a bottle of Horin Gekkeikan, excellent sake from Kyoto, were consumed. After dinner, we went back home and finished a bottle of red wine that Eric and Sara kindly brought (how sweet was that to lug a huge bottle of wine on vacation?!). Anyway, needless to say, I was a bit not all there for the run, but I did it anyway. We ran for 25 mins and I actually felt better afterward. Good Lord, Eric can run his ass off! Awesome.
After our little run, we went to Mayorga, a local coffee shop in our Town Square for breakfast. It was amazing though the workers were A-S-S-H-O-L-E-S!!! Yes, that's right, if you're reading this, you were an ASSHOLE to my brother-in-law and I wish you burn in the fiery pits of hell as you watch your innards get consumed by hellish creatures lusting after human flesh, you maggot!
Well, after breakfast was when the real fun began, yes, you

guessed it, shopping in Georgetown! We walked all around and had great wine for lunch, went into Dean & Deluca where Sara started her Spice Collection, Eric bought a few things from J-Crew and the couple stopped by the H&M boutique where they dropped some serious dough! Amazing! I just purchased a bag from the Puma Store...nothing special, but it was damn cute though!
Okay, so yaddy, yaddy, yaddy, blah, blah, blah, let's fast forward to the debauchery of the night. You guys will just die...absolutely just die!
So after shopping, we went home and gotten dressed to go out into Adams Morgan. We met up with Tommy

, one of their friends from Chattanooga, for dinner at Rumba where the food was amazing, except for this charred penis looking thing someone ordered. It was French, something bfershtherfasdnxcwsd noir, I have no idea but it did look like a sausage and of course, I was immediately intrigued as I love penisly shaped objects, that and shiny things like diamonds. When I bit into it, my world turned upside down and I had tunnel vision. It was simply the most disgusting thing (other than the nasty Odwalla Carrot Juice that I had bought) I had ever tasted. The taste was pure death and the texture was just.....I can't even begin to describe it. It was suppose to be pig's blood and something or other in there, but what it tasted like was pure evil. I think we ate one of Satan's minions.....

After dinner, we went to Madams Organ (jazz/blues), a place Eric and Sara love, and got wasted. It all started with taking shots of Tequila, and yes, we drank Petron, we're high class! From there the night became blurry but I do remember being

hit on by a girl. From what I remembered, she was kinda cute, but then again at that point I could have thought a 300 pound, tutu wearing bull dog was cute...okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. But being hit on by a gender that does't interest me is actually kinda fun. You can fuck with them a little...hehe. Anyway, so as the night goes on, we get more and more drunk, or at least I did. I keep remembering snippits of the night enough to piece together that we had a great time. Sara made new friends, of course she did, why wouldn't she. Let me tell you guys...Sara, my dear, dear sister-in-law, my twin separated at birth, is one of the most gregarious people you will ever have had the pleasure of knowing. She can strike a conversation with ANYONE! I mean it, as long as the person's got a pulse and a mouth, she can talk to them. Her people skill astounds me.
So she made friends with this guy, we shall call him Harry French. He was just odd to me. Not even just odd, odd I can deal with, he was straight up creepy, but Eric and Sara didn't seemed to think so...then again, I think everyone's creepy and I don't like talking to strangers so my opinion probably doesn't relaly count in this situation.

Finally around 2:00pm or whatever time it was, we headed home. On our way home, we

decided that we were "starving" and just had to have McDonald's. It was 3:00 in the morning at this point and the McDonald's is closed except for the Drive-Thru, so what do we do? We pretend we're in a make-believe car and chugga-chugga-

ed our way through the Drive-Thru. Afraid that won't be served because we weren't really in a car, Sara went up to the car behind us and asked if we can "hop into the car with them in case they dont' serve us" and with a swift reach for the window and a raised eyebrow they replied in unison, "HELL NO!". Come on, really, look at these pictures and you tell me if you would let us in? We look CRAZY!

So, the ordering part is over, now it's time to poot-poot our way up to the Cashier window to pay where we were greeted by this not-so-pretty cashier lady. If you had listened to the way Sara was complimenting her, you would have thought she was Ms. Universe, which was a statement that couldn't

be further from the truth. I will refrain from posting her picture up out of respect for her, but if you're really intrigued, feel free to check out my Online Photo Album (The Link can be found to the right of this entry underneath my profile; search through the albums [under my other albums] and you'll come to one labeled "Bomb Diggity Labor Day Weekend"). Oh what a wonderful day that was....we walked around, shopped, bought a few things, drank and consumed nine thousand-gazillion calories.... by the way, did you know that fries take up to 90 days to digest?!?! Thanks Ms. Sara, I am now a fat heffer!