So can we PLEASE, right here, right now, devote a minute or two to discuss how RETARDED America is? Yes, America...
So for those of you who watch So You Think You Can Dance, aka the BEST show in the world, religiously know that we, Team Travis, were robbed of a $100,000 victory for our main man, Travis Wall, last night during the Finale. Travis is not only the cutest thing ever to grace this side of the hemisphere, and has techniques that would make even the greatest of dance legions such as Alvin Ailey blush (okay, maybe that was bit of an over-inflated statement), most importantly, Mr. Travis, aka Amazing to every essence of the word, has the personality and unforgetable charisma to add to the long list of wonderfulness. Travis is the total package! I mean just look at this precious face....

So why did Benji win the $100,000 prize money, a one-year contract with Celine Dion's dance troupe in Las Vegas, and something, something, blah blah blah? I'll tell you why - Because America is stupid. The same people that put Clay Gay-kin on top of the Billboard charts are probably also responsible for cheating Travis and America out of a rightfully deserved victory with machines that are able to dial up to 1,500 calls a minute blowing up the phone lines while the honest Team Travis sits diligently dialing each number with hope that Travis would win, as he should have had.
Besides, Benji needs to come out of the closet. Hey, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying a gay man shouldn't win this competition, fuck no. It's a
dance competition, for goodness sake, of course a gay man should win. And I think a gay man has, but Benji (yeah, Benji...why would a self-proclaimed "straight" male want to be called "Benji" voluntarily?) needs to come out of the closet because we know he's gay, he knows he's gay now he just needs to know that we know that he knows that we know he's gay. Closets are for hanging clothes, not for hanging out.
So as you can see by my rants and raves that I am quite furious at the results of last night's show, to say the least. I know cursing at the TV, throwing shit and flaring around gayly, but angrily, would do nothing to sway the result of the show, but it sure made this little queer happy. Oh and for the sake of all humanity, I hope that being a year with the Celine Dion dance troupe would allow Benji to come to terms with his inner "faggotry" and come out; because he needs to and it's Celine Dion.
Good DAY!